How to Look at Videos On Facebook | Update 2019

It isn't constantly easy to discover what you're looking for on Facebook. Confusing food selection items and inadequate search engine result conceal several of right stuff worth looking at. Videos are just one of the largest sufferers. With that in mind, here's how to locate video clips on Facebook.

Understanding Facebook Videos

Video on Facebook is a confusing beast. There are online video clips, video clips you posted, videos you were labelled in, public video clips, saved videos, old account video clips, and also more.

Facebook being Facebook, there's not one central center that allows you check out every one of this footage in a simple and also logical fashion. Depending on what sort of video you wish to discover, there are a series of different actions you require to overcome.

We're mosting likely to overcome each sort of Facebook video clip consequently, providing comprehensive instructions along the way.

Exactly How to Find Facebook Live Videos

Finding Videos On Facebook

At the beginning of 2019, Facebook unexpectedly eliminated its Facebook Live map attribute.

We're uncertain why. Sure, it wasn't going to win any kind of layout honors, however the map let you promptly locate streamers from particular places; it was a perfect method to see raw footage of creating newspaper article and also public occasions.

Facebook Live videos have now been rolled up under Facebook Watch. In our point of view, Facebook Watch attempts to be a lot of things at the same time, and that is to the detriment of Facebook Live videos.

However, it is still possible to locate Facebook Live videos. There are a couple of courses open up to you:

- Use the #live hashtag in the search bar.
- Check an individual or web page's video library.
- Use Facebook's alert system.

How to Discover Your Video Clips on Facebook
If you've had your Facebook account for several years, there's a good chance that you've collected hundreds of videos on the system. Undoubtedly, Facebook may have the only copy of several of your most cherished memories.

To find video clips you have actually published to Facebook, open your profile as well as most likely to Photos > Video clips. Unless you were organized as well as categorized your videos into cds at the time, be prepared to obtain a sore scrolling finger.

Perhaps a less complicated option is to download all your video clips from Facebook in one resting. To do so, head to Setups > Your Facebook information > Download your info > Sight as well as make certain that the checkbox along with Images as well as Video clips is marked. When you prepare, hit Develop data.

Just How to Find Preserved Videos on Facebook

Finding Videos On Facebook

If you ever before enjoy a video-- either from a person, page, or team-- that you think you may wish to re-watch at a later date, you can save it.

Saving a video on Facebook functions as a book mark. It will not download the video onto your computer's disk drive. Rather, it positions all your conserved videos right into a folder on your Facebook account.

If you intend to find your saved videos on Facebook from the internet app, adhere to the step-by-step instructions below:

1. Head to as well as log right into your account
2. When you're looking at your newsfeed, broaden the Explore menu in the left-hand panel.
3. Click Conserved.
4. Alternatively, you can head straight to saved.
5. Making use of the drop-down menu on the leading right-hand corner of your list of saved items, click on Videos.

Exactly How to Locate Old Profile Videos on Facebook
Since mid-2016, Facebook customers have actually been able to add a seven-second looping video to their profile. It shows at the top of your page, just like your account photo.

You can see your old account videos by going opening your Images collection, clicking the Videos album, and also scrolling via the entrances. Sadly, there isn't an extra available manner in which doesn't entail limitless scrolling; the Photos > Videos technique is Facebook's official suggested technique.

Note: You can only include account video clips from Android as well as iOS, as well as the function is not available in all countries.

Exactly How to Locate Public Videos on Facebook

Finding Videos On Facebook

There are a couple of different ways to locate public videos on Facebook

We'll start with the most obvious technique. If you know the individual, page, or group that submitted the original video, just head straight to their profile.

If the video is recent, you will be able to find it by scrolling with the wall surface posts. However, if the material is a little older and has actually been hidden by more recent things on the wall surface, click the Photos tab listed below the cover photo and also pick the Videos album.

If you can not discover the video, a couple of points has possibly taken place. Either a) the individual or page has made the video clip exclusive as well as you can no longer see it, orb) the person has actually relocated the video clip right into a new cd.

Find Videos You Are Labelled Know Facebook.
There's not an easy button you can click to see all the video clips you have actually ever before been identified in.

The simplest means is to find the videos is to make use of the Activity Log. Head to your profile as well as click the Activity Log symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of your cover image.

From the Activity Log, pick Pictures and also Videos in the left-hand panel.

Locate Videos Making use of Facebook's Browse Bar

Finding Videos On Facebook

Now, you're most likely fed up of checking out all the various steps to locate Facebook videos. To relieve several of the anxiety, remember you can make use of the Facebook search bar to assist you locate the video footage you want.

The search bar is "wise." It implies you can type in terms such as "Videos I am labelled in," "Videos from my birthday," or "Videos from my vacation in Rome" as well as see the outcomes.

The threat of using the search bar is that you could ignore the video clip you want because of the sheer scale of outcomes on some search questions, however it's reached be much better than trawling via unlimited menus.