Open Up Facebook Page | Update 2019

Creating a Facebook fan page for your blog site can be anxiety-inducing, specifically if you're attempting to maintain your genuine identification separate from your blog writing identification. However, it does not need to be made complex-- when you see how easy it is, you'll ask yourself why you waited as long.

First off, let me inform you that it's okay to be logged into your individual Facebook account when you develop your fan web page. When I made my initial one, I was terrified that my last name, personal profile, or various other details would certainly be linked to it. After setting it up and examining it from my kid's account, though, I found out that I was fretted for nothing. If you establish it up with a various e-mail address, it will be a lot more tough to manage due to all the logging in and out.

Second, while some people like to establish a regular Facebook account with their blog site name, it's better to establish a follower web page. In this way your fans can "such as" your blog site without needing to include you as a good friend, and also the page functions will be much easier to control.

Okay, with those tidbits out of the way, below's what you do:

Open Up Facebook Page

1. Go to to begin. You'll see a display such as this (click any image to view larger):.
Open Facebook Page

2. Click Brand Name or Product in the upper right box. You'll be motivated to choose a group.
Open Facebook Page

3. In the group dropdown, choose Internet site.
Open Facebook Page

4. Key in your blog site name under the Category dropdown box, examine package to accept Facebook's TOS, as well as click Start.
Open Facebook Page

5. You'll be asked to give some basic information concerning your page. Fill in a description, your site URL if you have one, and pick an one-of-a-kind Facebook LINK for your follower page. You'll additionally be asked if your web page stands for a real business, item, or brand name-- no concerns if yours doesn't! It actually depends on whether you consider your blog a company or brand, however answering "no" is great if your blog site is just a pastime.
Open Facebook Page

6. Next you'll be prompted to post a profile image. If you have a logo, this would be a great time to post it. If you do not, do not hesitate to miss this action-- you can always include an image later.
Open Facebook Page

7. Add your page to your Favorites. This option will put a link to your fan page in the left sidebar when you're signed right into Facebook. It's absolutely optional however makes it really easy to discover your web page later on!
Open Facebook Page

8. You'll be required to your page, which has the admin panel throughout the top. Feel free to explore the various setups and also alternatives. There are all sort of triggers to assist you understand what to do.
Open Facebook Page

9. You're all done! There are some other things you'll require to do, like state your Facebook fan page on your blog, with a web link or switch so people can go "like" it, but apart from that, your fan web page is ready up and also prepared for you to upload.

TWO EVEN MORE POINTS: When you check out Facebook from your personal account, your blog site web page will certainly currently show up in the navigating left wing. All you need to do is click to see your page as well as the alerts details to the page.

Likewise, when you publish something on the fan web page, it will certainly appear as your blog site name, not your genuine name. However, if you are mosting likely to see an additional web page or profile as well as you wish to comment from your blog site name rather than your personal profile, you'll require to head to the top of the display, click the little gear icon on the blue Facebook bar, and choose "Usage Facebook as [blog name]" To change back, go back to the blue bar, click the down arrow on the much right, and pick "Usage Facebook as [your name]".