Profile Picture Facebook Size | New 2019

Facebook Profile Picture Size

Required the very best Facebook picture dimensions?

Right here are all the information you require to size your photos and also graphics to look their ideal on your Facebook Fan Page. Consists Of Cover Photo, Profile Image, as well as Wall Surface Photos.

Facebook Cover Image Capacities

Beginning at the top, your Cover Picture will certainly be displayed at 851 pixels (px) by 315px. You have the chance to readjust the chopping, yet can not resize the photo that you submit or choose from your Follower Page cds.

To ensure you'll like the results, size in an image editor before uploading. Start with a photo that goes to the very least 851 pixels wide. Enlarging a lower resolution picture can make it look fuzzy or pixelated.

NOTE: Your Web page Name, classification, and also buttons have actually moved inside the Cover Image as of mid-June 2014. Get my design template at the web link listed below so they will not obstruct a fundamental part of your Cover design.

Facebook Account Photo Dimension

The Facebook Profile Picture is displayed on your Fan Page at 160px square, however have to be submitted a minimum of 180px square. You can likewise submit a bigger image, preferably in a multiple of 180, such as 360, 540, or 720, and also Facebook will resize it for you. This may offer you much better clearness, as well as will most definitely provide you a larger image in your Image Album!

Facebook Follower Page Application Images/ Thumbnails

The Application Pictures, Tab Images, or Thumbnails that used to appear under your Cover Picture have transferred to the left column. Only 3 show on the page, yet when the arrowhead is clicked, every app thumbnail can be seen. It's a good idea to customize them.

The Facebook app thumbnails are still 111px broad by 74px high. Maintain them straightforward-- maybe simply kind that expresses a call-to-action.

Facebook Fan Page App Favicons
The FB Follower Page Apps utilized to have small 16px favicons. These have actually been removed.

Facebook Follower Page Applications

Your Fan Web page application can be a solitary image (example here). The width of the tab is 810px, and also the optimum height for a full-tab image is 1200px. This is the only Facebook photo that I've discovered to have a documents size restriction, as well as it's 400kb. Choose the suitable compression when conserving your jpeg, It won't submit if larger than 400kb.

For info on exactly how to add personalized tabs to your Fan Web page, read: Facebook Timeline Follower Page Tabs: Add Your Internet Site to FB

Facebook Wall Image Size

Photos shared on your wall are shown at 504 pixels wide as well as as much as 504 pixels high. When sizing your graphics as well as photos, make them a minimum of 504 pixels. Facebook is recommending 1200 pixels.

Height can vary-- straight and tall photos will certainly work. I made use of to advise a tall percentage of 4:5, today these will be decreased to 504 pixels tall with gray bars on the sides (see sample).

Horizontal images will certainly load the 504 pixel size, however will not have the impact of square. Square looks ideal on the wall surface.

Facebook Picture Viewer Image Size

Images you've published will show up in the Image Viewer, or lightbox, at the maximum resolution possible, relying on the size you posted them and also the customer's screen tool. The maximum Facebook photo dimension for upload as well as download is 2048 px square. If you upload a bigger image, Facebook will certainly minimize it so the lengthiest side is 2048 px. Keep in mind that photos can be downloaded and install at the complete size you have actually published, a minimum of as much as 2048 px.

For ideal screen, Facebook suggests that you resize your images before publishing to among these sizes they support:

  • 720 px

  • 960 px

  • 2048 px

If you post 2048 px pictures, be sure to select the Excellent quality alternative.

CAUTION: Photos you upload to Facebook can be downloaded by any individual you've allowed to view them in your consents (and Follower Page posts are always public). Any type of images might be downloaded and recycled, despite the fact that that would be copyright violation (unless you allow). How to Report Insurance Claims of Copyright Infringement.

You have actually also enabled Facebook to disperse your images according to their Terms of Service:

For web content that is covered by intellectual property legal rights, like pictures and also video clips (IP web content), you especially give us the complying with authorization, based on your personal privacy and application setups: you provide us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, globally certificate to use any kind of IP web content that you publish on or in connection with Facebook (IP Permit). This IP License finishes when you delete your IP material or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have actually not removed it.

I suggest you NOT upload your professional pictures at high resolution unless you have a particular factor to do so (as an example, you want followers to download pictures of an event). I also recommend you watermark your images.

Facebook Landmark or Highlighted Article Image Size

Turning Points and also Highlighted Posts utilized to span both columns of your Timeline. Since Follower Pages have just one column for articles (as of mid-June 2014), there are no double-wide pictures.