What Happens when You Deactivate Your Facebook Account | Update 2019

If I Deactivate Facebook

If you've ever thought about removing your Facebook account, you probably found yourself questioning what happens to your Facebook account information when you delete it. Even as Facebook has actually changed their regards to solution to make it much easier to review, in an initiative to put customers comfortable following questions of customer privacy and also data collection, privacy policies can be somewhat challenging to navigate-- so the question of how long your info takes to actually get erased when you erase your account is a valid one. Nevertheless, if you look very closely at the website's personal privacy policy, there are some information regarding exactly how the business stores info of individuals who have opted to remove their accounts.

What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account

There's a vital difference to be made prior to we go any further, though-- and that's the one in between deactivating and removing your Facebook account. It is very important that you think about the difference to make sure that you're completely clear on what's happening with your data in either situation. As you can possibly guess based on the words alone, shutting off is a much less permanent step that leaves the door ever so somewhat open should you ever make a decision that you actually do miss the 'ole FB. According to Facebook Consumer Aid, "you can deactivate your account temporarily as well as pick to find back whenever you desire." In other words, Facebook conceals your account, but every one of your info stays on their servers in case you intend to reactivate your account.

Because deactivating your Facebook account still technically leaves the account open for service, it's not a terrific solution for you if the reason you wish to quit using the platform is as a result of data as well as personal privacy concerns. As long as you preserve a Facebook account, the technology giant owns and also can remain to gather info about you, including fundamental account details, details about and also photos of you shared by other users, networks and links, repayment information, tool info, and details from third-party companions and marketers, according to the Facebook data plan.

If I Deactivate Facebook

If you take the more extreme measure of in fact deleting your account, Facebook keeps in mind that you will not be able to gain back gain access to-- at the very least, not after a short cooling off period during which your cancellation demand will certainly be cancelled if you can't resist need to try to visit. Do not get comfortable just because that cooling period has actually passed, though: According to the FB Help Facility, it can take as long as 90 days for the site to entirely wipe the data of yours that's been stored in their backup systems. Facebook can not proactively access this information once you've started the deletion procedure, however technically, it's still in their system for approximately 90 days as it's being erased from their web servers.

After those 90 days, however, traces of your former Facebook life will still reside on, thanks to your communications with other Facebook participants while you did have an account. Per the Assistance Facility, specific sorts of customer information-- such as your Messenger records-- aren't really connected to your account, and also close friends that you switched messages with previously could still be able to reference old discussions that you had, despite the fact that you do not in fact exist within the Facebook universe any longer.

There's a last note on the Facebook Assistance Center that refers to what happens to your data when you remove your FB account also: It claims that "duplicates of some product (instance: log documents) may continue to be in our database yet are disconnected from personal identifiers." Nonetheless, it is essential to note that, no matter what they hang on to, Facebook will eventually ruin any web links between that info and also you as an individual.

With a couple of minor exceptions, it does seem that Facebook scrubs their systems of your connection to the information that was as soon as in their system as quickly as you decide to bid farewell to them completely.